[acid-jazz] Crut 12" Single Sale: 2 for 1

From: John Book (johnbook9@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Oct 18 2002 - 03:13:36 CEST

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    Okay, I'm putting my two recent 12" singles up for a
    2-for-1 sale

    The 12" singles for "lull (thursday)" and "maryse's
    morning (saturday)" will go for $11ppd U.S./Canada,
    $15ppd world. For more information, click here:


    They each have exclusive remixes on the B-side, from
    2root2 (Scotland) and DMO (Los Angeles) respectively.

    I also have a few copies left of "michiru (monday)".
    The 12" for "aloha (friday)" is completely sold out.

    This is all to pave way for the new album, which I'm
    still putting together. More to come.

    -John Book

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