[acid-jazz] Liquidatorgraphics.com ‹ with apology

From: BRIAN (bbaltin@earthlink.net)
Date: Mon Oct 28 2002 - 03:45:10 CET

  • Next message: Velanche Stewart: "[acid-jazz] Cuki chart, Soul Seduction, Vienna"

    Sorry to anyone who thought that the attachment on the last note was too
    large (it was only 257K, but I know how some dial-ups can be). Here is only
    the text of the last message (in the future to be safe I'll opt for strictly
    text on the acid jazz list):

    Thanks and respect to all...


    Brian Baltin is pleased to announce the arrival of
    www.liquidatorgraphics.com. Please visit to view the Liquidator graphic
    portfolio, the complete full y illustrated CDs by Baltin DJ series
    catalogue, and an extensive Culture section featuring gig listings for Los
    Angeles, New York, London, and Chicago, writings on vintage film and the new
    jazz scene, cocktail recipes, DJ charts, pulp reprints, and more, and an
    exhaustive links page navigating you to the finest in jazz, graphics, film
    and publishing sites. Thanking you in advance...


    Brian Baltin
    Aesthetic Rejuvenator

    And please pass on the link with abandon...



    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Mon Oct 28 2002 - 03:44:17 CET