From: Wesley (
Date: 2003-02-25 22:24:59
-------- Original Message --------
Media :: Kahimi Kare in the new Marquee, FPM+TSPO on Barfout!
- Kahimi Kare in the new Marquee
the new Marquee with Kahimi Karie, who just released a lovely album, on
the cover. it says it's a 16 page (!) feature. see the cover:
there's also a dahlia (Happiness Records act who came out with a new
album yesterday) and orange pekoe feature in the issue.
- FPM+TSPO on Barfout!
i also saw the cover of the month's barfout! you'll find Tanaka
(Fantastic Plastic Machine) on the cover with Tokyo Ska Paradise
Orchestra, all looking very hip. kahimi also has her regular bit in the
issue (bird too), along with another feature piece. (there's a Supercar
bit as well) you can see the cover here:
-- ECLECTIC Japan [Sound :: Lounge]