[acid-jazz] Hangouts, clubs, record shops in Buenos Aires?

From: Dr. Axel Barcelo Aspeitia -- Investigador (abarcelo_at_minerva.filosoficas.unam.mx)
Date: 2003-05-19 05:23:03

  • Next message: Argo: "[acid-jazz] BrokeN'Beat Radio featuring RUSS DEWBURY"

    . . . now that we are in the subject. Any recommendations for Buenos
    Aires? I am spending from this friday to next monday there, and I got
    more than enough tango the last time i was there, so any help will be
    greatly appreciated.


    Dr. Axel Arturo Barcelo Aspeitia

            + Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas +
            + Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico +
            + Mexico Distrito Federal +
            + (52)5622 7213 +

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