[acid-jazz] Runnins in San Juan?

From: steph99 (beleza_at_speakeasy.net)
Date: 2004-04-19 17:49:56

  • Next message: Chris Haycock: "RE: [acid-jazz] NSM / Lizz Fields / Irfane"

    Heya evabody,

    Now that we're all re-engergized and posting like crazy, I could use a hand.
    I'm headed to Puerto Rico next week and I'm looking for advice and travel tips.
    Not Lonely Planet crap, but rather where to go to hear music, record stores,
    good graffiti, etc. Also if you have any friends down there that you'd like to
    lend to me, I'd be oh so grateful. I have a couple ppl to possibly meet up with
    but I want to get the most out of it.

    Nat, I think I'm just gonna call you up myself... =)

    Thanks, kids.

      Quem te mostrou a beleza Who taught you the beauty
    De dançar dentro da briga? Of dancing within the fight?