[acid-jazz] I'll be in the Sacremento/Rocklin area over part of the holidays...

From: Nicholas Drozdoff (ndrozdoff_at_hotmail.com)
Date: 2004-12-06 22:29:57

  • Next message: David Bassin: "[acid-jazz] Tonight: FreeFall #228 - Tal M. Klein interview"

    Folks, this is a long shot, I realize, but I wanted to explore the
    possibilities here.

    Whenever I go out of town I like to try to find jam sessions or big bands to
    sit in with, if possible. For example, while in Toronto last August, with my
    family, my son and I went on down to the Rex for their open jam. I sat in
    for a couple of hours. It was a great hang - got to blow and got to hear
    some great Canadian players as well.

    Well, from 12/26 through 12/29, I'll be in the Sacremento/Rocklin area
    visiting my brother. I was wondering if any list members here might know of
    some open jam sessions in jazz clubs in that area (we've got lot's of them
    around here in Chicago). Also, are there any big bands or acid jazz groups
    with looser sit in policies? Just curious and very interested.

    In the abscence of jam sessions, are any of you playing in that area so that
    I could bring my family out to hear you? That'd be cool, too!

    Now, I am a deep lurker on this list, so I doubt most of you have a clue as
    to who I am, what I play or how I play. FWIIW, I am a professional
    free-lance trumpeter in the Chicago area (I am an alum of the Maynard
    Ferguson orchestra). I can play, OK and I play a lot of jazz and jazz rock
    stuff. If you want to hear if I can play up to your standards before you
    turn me onto a jam session or sit-in opportunity, feel free to visit the
    sites below. The listening and streams are free, of course.

    Rather than post to the list if you have a response, come back top me on the
    following email: ndrozdoff_at_ameritech.net

    Peace, all!

    Nick Drozdoff
    or at acid planet