Re: [acid-jazz] Jazzy House

From: Erik Gaderlund (
Date: 2005-03-03 02:46:41

  • Next message: Bob Davis: "[acid-jazz] Music Industry Commentary From Ritch Esra - Music Registry- March 2005"

    At 10:26 AM +0100 02/28/05, Erik Borälv wrote:
    >Padilla, John E. wrote:
    >>Can anyone recommend some solid jazzy house music?
    >> I need to break my MAW habit. :)
    >Jazzy house sucks... ;-) It's better to look for
    >soulish house. Two really excellent albums with
    >a nice blend of house and soul:
    >Blue Six - Beautiful Tomorrow (a compilation)

    Actually this is an album from one of the
    founders of Naked Music--though it could be
    called a 'compilation' of his singles. Also most
    any of the Naked Music compilations are good:
    bare essentials, and nude dimensions, also any
    Miguel Migs stuff.

    I must say, I never really got into MAW, just didn't do it for me.

    erik g