[acid-jazz] Jimmy Smith Tribute

From: Peter Hall (peterwhall_at_hotmail.com)
Date: 2005-03-27 10:54:20

  • Next message: Peter Hall: "[acid-jazz] Groove Collective at the Tonic"

    As most of you know, Jimmy Smith recently died, and many of you probably
    know that there was a Jimmy Smith Tribute at Yoshi's in Oakland. Both my
    cousin and I were really excited to go to the Jimmy Smith with Joey
    DeFrancesco concert (the Lonnie Smith with Joey DeFrancesco concert a couple
    years ago at Yoshi's was both of our favorite concert ever), but then Jimmy
    Smith died and we were upset. But Yoshi's made the show a tribute to Jimmy
    Smith, and it ended up being an even better show than the Lonnie Smith with
    Joey DeFrancesco show.

    James Moody was on sax and flute and vocals, and was super funny with his
    wierd jokes. At one point he even started rapping, which was a suprise to
    even the musicians, by the way the drummer looked at Joey, but he followed
    along with a super funky beat. Then some manager of the club walked onto
    the stage and whispered something to Joey, and after the song was over, BILL
    COSBY walked onto the stage. My cousin and I were at a table touching the
    stage. I could have grabbed Bill Cosby's ankle if I wanted! He was pretty
    funny, but honestly, James Moody was more comedic. Bill Cosby guested on
    drums for a song. The actual drummer is one of the best drummers I have
    ever seen (and I've seen Lewis Nash, Brian Blade, Genji Siraisi, Elvin Jones
    on video, etc). I should look him up. He is the drummer for Joey
    DeFrancesco's trio, because I recognised him from when they played with
    Lonnie Smith.

    Be sure to pick up both _Legacy_ (Joey DeFrancesco and Jimmy Smith) and _Too
    Damn Hot_ (Lonnie Smith). These albums smoke.

    P*ter Funk

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