[acid-jazz] post junk trio / Billy Nayer Show / American Astronaut DVD

From: Frank Swart (funkwrench_at_yahoo.com)
Date: 2005-03-29 01:01:50

  • Next message: David Bassin: "[acid-jazz] Tonight: FreeFall #244 - Playlist & preview"

    Greetings Friends, Family, Acquaintances, Associates and Total Strangers,

    Track #4 of the "build your own free live post junk trio album" is now
    available at: http://www.postjunktrio.com/music.html or on the "mp3 & tracks
    info" page at our Flash site.

    Billy Nayer Show will be driving a line through the Country from Chicago to
    Texas later this month. - www.billynayer.com

    The American Astronaut DVD is catching on like wildfire. You can get it
    online or at finer video stores across the US. You can even get it at
    Netflix!!! - www.americanastronaut.com

    A little politics: - Please check out this site TODAY:

    I hope this email finds you and yours safe and sound.

    Happy Spring,

    If you don't want to get these occasional emails from me (I apologize) just
    hit reply with NO anywhere in the subject or body