Clubs - Wien
- Porgy & Bess
Porgy & Bess, Spiegelgasse 2, 1010 Wien, Tel: 512 84 38.
Editors note: the have an excellent server at
The sunshine club is located in the Casino Baumgarten,
Linzerstrasse 297 1140 Vienna.
- Junge KunstwerkstART
The Culture-organzation "Junge KunstwerkstART"
organize a lot of different culturell hapenings, Art-shows, lectures,
theatre- and cabaret-Events and also music.
We have a space called Ashanti-Bar and there
we have a DJ called SWUUB.
He is a famous ACID JAZZ - DJ in Vienna and he makes a club called
ART GROOVE in this space.
It's an ART-CLUB-BAR with ACID JAZZ music.
Dayly opened, from 8pm to ???am, except sundays.
The adress is: A-1070 Wien, Zollergasse 6
- U4
Every Saturday night in the "U4": Soho Club Night.