More Sylk threads...

Jean Jeudy
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 23:23:41 -0500 (EST)

Even though the thread's already thinning, I just wanted to put in my $.02
on King Britt's album. I think the whole CD excels, although it isn't
quite what I expected. It's the perfect blend of 70s funk, soul, and
expression completely engrossing you in the emotion picture experience.
But I think that we must remember that this is the start of a journey, the
first in a trilogy actually, about the life of a DJ or any other true
music lover. Many said that King B didn't go far in his experimentation of
new sound in this CD and I think keeping in the context of the trilogy, we
should know that we can expect much more, in the remixes and later
(**Check out the South Philly Mix of 'City' which is supposedly only on
the Japan release...
This definately got me expecting much more excitement from the Silkworm