Re: Wake Up Folks!

sujay jayaram (
Wed, 10 Jan 1996 16:04:53 GMT

dan> Listen people, its not jazz OR ACID JAZZ if there are no players.

Hmm.. sounds like this could be quite an interesting thread. Rich has
had his periodic moan, and so I get to stand on my soapbox and about
the narrow mindedness of people (especially musicians).

dan> I dont care if you have ten DJs and fifteen samplers, you need interaction
dan> between MUSICIANS. Now this umbrella term "Acid Jazz" covers everything from
dan> elevator to ambient and its just not real! DJs with musicians are cool but
dan> you can throw your samplers in the ocean because you are not writing you're
dan> stealing. Im sick of seeing peoples jaws drop when they see a couple of
dan> DJs.

Perhaps I don't understand where you're coming from Dano, but what is
'real' music and what is 'unreal' - I'd venture to suggest that it's
all in your head. People drop their jaws when they see a couple of DJs
because it's out of the norm. So how many musicians does there have to
be, playing with a DJ, to make it cool? I wonder if you're a musician,
and if so, I wonder if you listen to the music as a whole rather than
what your particular instrument does? I also wonder if you're able to
appreciate the beauty of something simple (like some of Punk's two
minute speed trips) as well as the more complex stuff that you're
probably into.

err... sorry! I'm getting carried away here ;-)
As a final note, I'm doing an AJ/Funk/Latin band in North
London. We're a nine piece with a French rapper and soulful female
vocals and we're currently looking for a DJ to play on stage (you
know, just to make the music a bit more 'unreal' ;-)

If anyone knows a DJ who could help, please contact me at the above

