Biology 101
Earth People (Earth Planet Mix)
Waiting List (DJ Shadow/Automator mix)
but is actually
Earth People (Earth Planet Mix)
Waiting List (DJ Shadow/Automator mix)
- possibly Mr Gerbick ??
Also mentioned in a previous post - Tortoise.
Just picked up the U.N.K.L.E. remix of DJED on City Slang records.
(Only available on vinyl I think). I have heard any of their other
stuff but I would highly recommend this. Sounds a bit different
to Jason's description of the album more trip-hop crossed with funky
beats and bass. There's a jungle mix on the flip which I have only
listened to once not because it is bad but that A-side is so good.
Lastly a desparate plea :
Went to see Orbital in Glasgow last night who were supported by u-zik.
I haven't heard any of the supports stuff before but the first track
he played was an incredible funk/hip-hop/trip-hop track quite
different to the rest of his mainly jungle set. Does anyone have any
idea what this might be (not much to go on I know) or have any
recommendations of anything he has done. (If last night was anything
to go by I might have to buy everything I can find as it was all
superb stuff but I'm running out of money).
Colin Millar,
Dept of Maths And Stats,
University of Edinburgh.