0094 - V/A compilation
1194 - Woob (aka Paul Frankland, aka Journeyman)
2294 - Qubism
3394 - V/A compilation
0095 - Gas
1195 - Miasma
2295 - V/A compilation
3395 - International Peoples Gang
4495 - Woob 2
5595 - V/A compilation
0096 - Lucid Dreams (spoken word w/music)
1196 - Carl Stone
Instinct has licensed some of these releases for the U.S. 0094 and 1194
were released "as is" -- but subsequent releases have been compilations
of tracks from the UK series. I'd recommend checking out the Instinct
versions of 0094 and 1194 first; both are excellent and you can probably
find them cheap.
Hope this helps.
-- Mark Turner mturner@netcom.com