DJ Dimitri's "Sacrebleu" is IMHO a good work. It definately has an
easy listening flavour, with a very ironistic approach of this
sound. Somewhere, there is also house hidden in the tracks; most of
the tracks have some verry funny samples in french, all having to do
with a very snobish way of life (check out the photography of Dimitri
on the sleeves!), all the fifties stuff (french riviera, tour Eiffel,
girls talking about their make up, and the way to be "very
stylish"...). A couple of the tracks escape this description, probably
because they were anterior to the Sacrebleu project ("reveries", for
example, a more abstract tune with a strong hip-hop beat). At the
beginning, I thought this was a funny thing that would eventually
become irritating like an old joke you keep on hearing; but on the
contrary, the amount of groove behind the funny gimmicks came out
progressively, and I happen to enjoy it now... you can find track
listing and a sound excerpt of the introduction to the LP at
I had the opportunity to hear on the radio two tracks from the
forecoming Daft Punk LP (out on January on a major, but meanwhile part
of it should be available on Roulez, the label belonging to half of
Daft Punk), and it seems really to be something to check out! If
you've missed Motorbass' LP, prepare for hunting this one, at least!