The playlist:
Unkle Spinners
Autocreation Caught Short
Repeat Drifting Sounds of Wakiki
Paris The Hate that Hate Made
Most Wanted Calm Down
Doctor Octagon Blue Flowers
Photek Into the 90's
Doctor Octagon Bear Witness
Air Modular Mix
The Groove Robbers
feat DJ Shadow Last Stop
DJ Krush Meiso
Unkle Berry Meditation
Clubbed to Death Clubbed to Death II
Tuff Crew Soul Food
Innerzone Orchestra Bug in the Bassbin
Winx Hypnotizin
The Scientist The Bee
Paperclip People Oscilllator
Peshay Piano Tune
As you might expect - this is a pretty tuff set. The cuts and samples
fly inthe first 15 minutes, then things calm down a bit, maybe he got tired!
The sound is very much based around hip hop and old skool samples then
moving into longer loops and a more rhythmic feel. The disc is recorded
as one big track so there is no jumping around. Probably good reasons
for and against. Artistically this should probably be viewed as a long
piece and listened to whole. But it's also easy to argue that it doesn't
hurt to put markers in for those who want to use them. It also makes it
easier to match the songs to credits for the unfamiliar tracks. I was
forced to interpolate between tracks I knew! Warning: there are only 45
minutes of music here so I'm not sure it is worth buying the whole set
for this disc.
A question for those who know: The title of the disc is "Cream 2 - Live"
but the credits are "Mixed by James Lavelle, additional mix, production
and scratches by the Psychonauts. Mix down engineer - John Lyons". The
sound is pretty tight and the turntable work great. Does this mean
Jimmy didn't do it all and it isn't live?