Re: =?iso-8859-2?Q?Jeru_2=A2_=28NewYork_three_nights_past=21=21=29?=
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 13:44:32 -0400 (EDT)

its like i just read my mind . . . .
you are right on like red
i went three nights ago to Tramps in New York City and was digusted
at what Shadow and Jeru called a show ....... pathetic

First of all the show was supposed to start at 8:00 so i
showed up at 8:30 and waited outside in line until 9:30
hearing the faint beats of Camp-lo out on 22nd Street--
by the time i got in Camp-lo who i wanted to see was long gone
having only played for 30 minutes . . . . and you want people to buy your
next i waited until about 10:30 listening to just some normal type djing
i peek my head up to see that Shadow is spinning---
i thought it was a TRAMPS MIX/ HIP HOP 101
next he brings out two fools from the bay area who just flat out ate dick

it was horrendous ---- like watching some shit on TV where you just get
embarassed but worse--
i couldn't turn the channel they're shit just kept coming
white boy g-love meets snow bullshit -- and i had to sit through 45 minutes
of their shit--- i didn't want to see them ---i didn't pay to see them
but boy did i see them
then these fools started gettin on some real hiphop shit yelling "Is New York
City in the House?" by the 15th time they yelled this a bunch of people
started yelling, "You SUCK!" back---- man it got worse

they leave then we wait until another 45 minutes for JERU (two friends of
mine just flat out left before he even got on stage)
he sucked worse than the snowflakes from sanfran -- he ate two dicks
He gets on stage and immediately starts complaining that the crowd wasn't
hyped enough ---- hey JERU some awareness-- we just sat through the least of
the least while you were in his bus watching played out kung-fu movies eating
funyons and smoking weed and napping-- and you expect us to be hyped ---
jeru -- you're the motherfucker who better be hyped --- you jump the fuck up
and down and say "yeah" --say fuckin "hell ya"

"YOU SUCK" is what i was yellin ... did you hear me? i'm surprised if you
because the crowd was so apathetic and quiet---then i broke and was pleased
not to hear your voice outside and went home and listened to some GoodieMob
to reming me what hip hop really is

hey JERU let's discuss the mental attitude--- "the mental most always stay
calm, let nothing move you be it good or bad" --that is the biggets load of
bullshit -- i never want to hear that type of bullshit again--that's bullshit
man with that type of bullshit you PLAYIN YOURSELF
