I have a couple of CD singles by Jamiroquai for sale. I ordered them
without realising that I already owned them.
Space Cowboy - 6 remixes=20
Light Years - 6 remixes (features pic of snowboarder)
They are both still plastic-wrapped, and I will sell individually or
together at =A36 each. ono.
Anyone wanna work out what that is in dollars?
This is probably only worth your while if you live in Europe...I have to
add postage to it!
Cheers! ;) Keira
* Keira@gibnet.gi * http://www.gibnet.gi/~keira *=20
* Jamiroquai@usa.net * `S *
* Cheeba@mindless.com * S` The Virtual Coffee Cup *
* CosmicGirl@cyberjunkie.com * |~~~~|=AC A Trip Through *
* JayKay@DazedAndConfused.com* |____|J Virtual Communities *
*FunkyJamiroquai@hotmail.com * \__/ *