Re: Acid-Jazz needs reform!

erik (
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 08:38:49 -0800

>Or perhaps we can spawn a second group that receives
>compressed copies of this group's messages on a semi or weekly basis?

hyperreal's idm list comes in a "digest" form that compiles all the
mailings into a large mail. i find that easier to deal with since the idm
list gets sooo much bandwidth..

..if some are interested it may work here as well, but aj does not get the
same degree of mailings..

e r i k

| forget horns, bells & whistles as warning devices. they take too long to
| use & most aren't loud enough to be effective. a loud scream originating
| deep in your diaphragm is instant & requires no hands.
| checkpoint #10 "for safe commuting & city cycling"