FW: Why jungle will never go mainstream!

araya,juan carlos (jcar@whpc.wh.lucent.com)
Tue, 01 Jul 1997 19:53:00 EDT


I just had to answer this. Bass Music will always, as Jungle, a regional
sound. As in Latin Hip, House, Rap, Techno and Ska elements of these have
reached popular music in a "watered down" form. Early underground Rap has
become the highly produced Hip Hop of the today. Packaged for the mass

Personally I'm sick of the same old Miami Bass precussion background used
on the mixes on Miami's Power 96. Although I have heard some mixes about
a year back from DJ Laz that had elements of Salsa and Merengue put in.
Doo Doo Brown with Cafe con Leche tosed in for good measure. Peace.


From: mark givens[SMTP:markeg@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 1997 1:55 PM
To: acid-jazz
Subject: Why jungle will never go mainstream!

Dear List":

There is a lot of talk about jungle; To quote Bono from the Live at red
rocks album", maybe.. maybe too much talk." Some people think it and
techno will be the next big thing . This is never going to happen much
as i like Jungle. heres why
Too fast- yanks will never buy anything that goes at 160 Bpms. in fact
the peak is about 135 and thats fast for the avg radio station.
Dazzy Dukes( bass) is up there at that level but higher than that, mix
show maybe ;top ten never.
lacks songs: Inner City life almost had a song but that as close as it
gets uin junle unless they remix brandy. Lacks regional/racial base-
house has a core folowing gays , people from chicago; miami bass has a
black/southern core; rap had a core before it blew up. Jungle? its from
the U.K. and in the states its a white rave thing. A base gives you an
irreducible core that will keep the stuff viab;le as it goes in and out
of fashion on the charts. Between gold sincles bass still sells month in
month out to its core. Bass will break big before jungle and stay around.
By the way Gangtsa/playya rap, with its southern/west coast core will
always be with us on some level theyve even got their own magazine s and
indie labels. This stuff will never die like it or not. My own thing has
been to take jungle production methods chopped breaks, bass hits,
stuttered drum and rolls, add party chants a la gogo and bass and make
slow jungle at 120-135 bpms . By the way there is a Baltimore scene
centered around the Paradox club and v103 mix shows that is pretty dope.
the songs are repetitve the chants sex and drug inspired but its fresh .
DOO DOO Brown!!!!


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