Re: Dj cam the sequel reply to tyler

Rob Endersby (
Sat, 05 Jul 1997 18:00:46 +0000

to whom it may concern,
I have been quietly observing the tepid, yet ultimately impotent
debate regarding the use of commercial "beats" in underground
instrumental hip-hop, and the sophomoric dismissal of inspired but
minimal production
techniques as "lazy". Regarding the latter issue, it seems as if Mr.
is approaching a highly complex musical form from a p.o.v. which is,
quite frankly, intellectually "lazy". Mr. Givens, I suggest you go back
examine the roots of this music before you go any further in your
dissing of producers and material which is obviously beyond your earnest
yet limited capacity for understanding. Remember:"the fool's arrogance
as the wooly coat of the wild goat, and is worn with the brazen pride
from which the wise sheep hide."sucka.
warmest personal regards,