Well I'm a little confused by this post as if you take away the spy
theme and lyrics from old movies and such 3rd perspective would lose its
charm and originality.
If you are interested in the spy theme there are a whole bunch of groups
that are releasing 12" AND full length albums. Bands on labels like
Yellow (Yellow 357), Sacrebleu (Dimitri From Paris), Serialment Votra,
etc..... (I have more if your interested I love this spy music stuff
check out any of my old posts or my dj iball summer spy jams list from
about a week ago)
However if you looking for music with out that spy stuff do you mean
just acid-jazz, Brazil influenced, instrumental stuff?
Need more clarifaction
-- Jason Jercinovic jjercino@interport.net multimedia production interface and sound design 5 Flights Up Productions aka dj iball