for record shops, and especially for yellow, versatile and such,
definetely check out Rough Trade, 30 rue de charonne, near
bastille. while you're there, you can have a look at BPM, rue Keller,
very near to rought trade, and then to find some more mainstream stuff
(like sourcelab, but anyway it's good and has a huge selection) la
FNAC bastille, right on the place. there is also on rue du faubourg
saint antoine, always around the same place, a record shop called vibe
station, but for some reason i don't like that much the people there,
anyway i guess you can find things there too.
for hip hop and funk, LTD, 89 rue saint denis (at les Halles), there
is also another shop next to LTD, carrying the same kind of music, but
i forgot the name, sorry!
for clubs, check out le rex, some nights the hot brass, just buy nova
magazine, there is a booklet in the middle of the mag that will let
you know what's going on.
have a nice time!