Re: Gap Jeans Commercial

Thu, 15 May 1997 09:49:35 +0000

> There are 2 commecials, but they are both LL.

The two commecials being sommented on feature a poet and a rapper. In
one, a poet recites rythmic scat along with a slick bass and sparce
congo fills. That's the boogeyman. Then there's one with LL, where he
does a little rap thingy.

Two different commercials.

To bring on some new discussion, the boogeyman's been in several
commercials in the past few years. I've seen him in Reebok, Coke, and a
few others I can't think of now. The one I remember most was either for
Burger King of MacDonald's. The commercials are too.....comercial to
show his artistic value as a poet.