Elson Trinidad (elson@westworld.com)
Wed, 07 Oct 1998 20:38:23 -0700
Despite what one may think re: commercialism of contemporary music, this
whole trend of licensing existing songs for commercials is destroying an
entrie profession: Jingle composers. For the youngsters on this list, there
used to be a time when music in commercials was written specifically for
the commercial, many of them had a familliar melody or hook that made sure
you bought the product. All arguments regarding capitalism etc. aside, this
was a very legitimate way to sell a product with music.
Now that companies are doing the lazy thing (licensing songs), nobody's
writing jingles anymore.
Mainly because it costs next to nothing to license an existing song than to
pay a jingle writer to write an original song for the commercial.
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:. e l s o n t r i n i d a d
:. elson@westworld.com :. www.westworld.com/~elson
:. los angeles, california, usa
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