Gordon Hurd (ghurd@yahoo-inc.com)
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:21:21 -0700
This may seem very obscure but I know there are some hardcore cratediggers
out there. So, here goes...
anyone know of that French animated film called "Fantastic Planet." Made in
the early 70s I think. anyway, I'm wondering if anyone knows if there's a
soundtrack available for that. I've done a couple of rudimentary searches
but haven't come up with anything so far.
any help would be rewarded with eternal gratitude. To try and be as on topic
as possible, the music is filled with moogy synthy groovy magic. Very
atmospheric and 70s from head-to-toe.
btw, if you haven't seen the movie and you're into trippy science fiction,
check it out. It's got a style all its own.
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