RE: off topic, was q-tip

Moonlight (
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 17:12:46 -0600

>And, what about the Aphex Twin 'Window Licker' video that did the same
>thing--parodying the b*ches H*s stuff, but, with the Richard James face
>superimposed on the bodys. It got banned in the UK so it must have been
>too funny--certinaly too much to ever be seen here in the US.

Which is why they sold it and had it as a hyper-cd thing on the CD. My
only wish is that the US video also featured the "edited" version, which
has all the cursing bleeped out. If i remember right, the UK video had
both edited and unedited versions.

Adam Roesch /
Augsburg College / Minneapolis / MN / USA
My Fila Brazillia/Pork Recordings fan site (Updated 16/11/99) My Nobukazu Takemura Discog

"And me? I got a bug to squash." B. Adamson

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