Re: Bombay the Hardway...

Boon Sheridan (
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 13:51:16 -0600

Ben Stewart wrote:
> Hey,
> Yesterday on my radio show, this dude called up wanting to hear a
> track of an album called, Bombay the Hardway. He described it as remixed
> Indian moive soundtracks.

That's exactly what it is.

> He also said that DJ Shadow worked on the album.

The DJ in question is actually Dan 'The Automator' Nokamura slicing and

> He claimed it came out recently, but I couldn't find it in the new
> CD section in the studio. I was hoping one of y'all has it or has heard
> of it. If someone knows what label it's on, that'd be the best, so that I
> can contact the label and get them to send us a copy. Thanks.

It's on Motel records.

It's harder to locate in a store since it's a sort of soundtrack/foreign
film release as opposed to something you'd find under hip-hop or other
stuff. Most online places have it, and I'm sure the better indie stores
will have it too. (Certainly CDNow and others carry it.)

There's a halfway decent review on Salon (of all places) at:

All hail Xerxes, King of Babylon,


Boon Sheridan - Producer
Bazzirk, Inc.

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