Re: psycho soldiers question

Elson Trinidad (
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 09:26:18 -0700

Steve Catanzaro wrote:
> Hey, I don't think the AJ forum is a place to discuss religion, let alone to
> sling invectives at those of us who ARE Christians and dig the music.

And don't forget that Acid Jazz (and most of our groove-based forms of music)
are derivatives of SOUL music, which came from early gospel music, which came
out of the practices of 18th and 19th century African-American Christians who
added some native African customs into the mix. I don't want to add fuel to the
fire, but _soul_ doesn't come from out of nowhere, ya know...

There are violent Christians, just as there are violent Muslims, as there are
violent atheists (Bolsheviks, anyone?), truth is, ANY belief, ideology or
philosophy practiced in the extreme has the potential to be dangerous.

Whatever happened to the "good vibes" of the early days of this list? Stop the
dividin', start the unitin.' A new century and millenium is just around the
corner; best that *all* people throw away their prejudices and
hangups...Yesterday was yesterday, stop the cycle of hate, let's move on.


- 30 -

:. elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa :. :.

"funny how frustration breeds desire" - meja

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