Re: where's that "classic" sound?

Ashwin Tumne (
Fri, 16 Jul 1999 17:11:14 -0400 (EDT)

> Hey all, a question; Not to disparage D&B or jungle or anything electronic,
> but I've always seen this type of music as a bit seperate from other types
> of groove music; jazz funk, Headhunter era Herbie Hancock, Sly Stone, Stevie
> Wonder, AWB, some Sade, the Brand New Heavies, Jamiroquai, etc. This is what

Sade's track "Sweetest Taboo" has a mad jungle groove going on (just follow the
bossa-like rim shots). The melody, basline, and chords feel almost like a
pre-cursor to the sounds of 4-hero or Roni-Size. I see your point though - jungle
does have a distinct sound different from classic groove but the music is
connected -> hip-hop evolved from the funky groove of urban america, while jungle
extended itself from hip-hop culture.


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