Deep Soul (
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 21:14:01 EST
>>Hate to rain on anyone else's parade, but I(along with a good >>amount
of friends) just can't get into the Lauryn Hill groove. I
>>gave it a chance; I put the Miseducation CD on in Tower recently,
>>and I couldn't believe how fast I flipped thru it without a single
>>tune to fix on.
Hey, we all have our own tastes. Since 'Plantation Lullibies' I haven't
bothered to buy a Me'shell album, though I still respect her greatly as
an artist. And trust me, Ms. Badu is an angel on record, but somewhat
lackluster in concert (then again, I saw her very early in the game, I'm
sure she's much better now)
To me, Lauryn has that urban rare groove type of feel - a sound that's
more old school than new. Same with the hip hop - not overproduced, no
fancy gimmicks, just a hardcore beats with hardcore lyrics. Somewhat
comparing oranges and grapefruit when compared to Badu.
Not that Lauryn's album has changed my life or even the face of hip hop
(Remember when '3 feet high and rising' or 'Low end Theory'
dropped!.....) What makes her album special is that people connected
with it. It became as personal to us as it did to her.
Now on the flip, as a pure music experience, even I can admit to not
being totally enrapt with the whole album, but it no doubt leads the
pack above other music released recently.
We all have our heroes and we want them to get the credit they deserve
and like you say, should get the same recognition. But I bet that if you
had listened to a copy of Hill's album before all the hype and success,
you would say just how refreshing it is to hear a hip-hop album that's
more personal than boasting and commercial, a fact that that too many
others are 'Miseducated' about.
>>Just My Opinion, that's all.
Ditto! =)
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