Down to The Bone: The Urban Grooves

Mickey Grover (
Mon, 08 Mar 1999 09:52:00 +0000


> Finally, I saw what looks like an import at Tower Records today,
> Down to the Bone: The Urban Grooves. It's definitely more recent than
> "From Manhatten to Staten" but I didn't get a chance to gove it a
> listen. Anyone got the priviledge?

Yeah, the second DTTB album "The Urban Grooves" has been out here in the UK
since sometime late last summer. It's similar in sound to the first album,
but not as good in my view. It's on the UK "Internal Bass" label which
continually churns out good grooves. "Mr. Gone" is, in my opinion, the best
artist they have who really gets funky! I buy my records from a guy who
gets a mention on this album 'David Stidston', whose name they misspelt on
the sleeve. He is a top geezer who is personally into funky jazzy related
soundz & stocks all sorts of good stuff.

Mickey ;)

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