David Holmes album releases

Mickey Grover (mickey@8x8.com)
Mon, 08 Mar 1999 10:00:24 +0000

"Lets get killed" was Holmes rightly acclaimed 2nd album, which followed
his album "This films crap ....". I can't remember the rest of the title
but it's something like "...lets rip up the seats". This is downtempo &
good too and is, in my opinion highly underrated. Definitely worth checking

Mickey ;)

Erik Gaderlund wrote:
> >
> >Just recently rented the movie "Out of Sight" with George Clooney and
> >Jennifer (won't you be my wife)Lopez. As well as enjoying the movie, I
> >have to admit that the soundtrack also kinda got me hooked. Real
> >dowtempo and laid back with that rare groove/soul jazz feel. I know
> >"Spanish Grease" by Willie Bobo is on the soundtrack and I saw that many
> >of cuts were produced by David Holmes. Anyone have the soundtrack and
> >want to comment?
> >
> Also rented the movie an have been meaning to get the soundtrack, the David
> Holmes instrumental one. As for the movie, the best character is the doped
> out white dude, who's always wearing sunglasses, somthing Zahn one of the
> great _American_ character actors.
> >Also, does anyone have info on David Holmes and his other albums, I'd
> >like to know if they have a similar vibe.
> >
> The rumors are that someone heard "let's get killed", his last full-lenth,
> and liked it so much they got him to do the soundtrack for "Out of Sight".
> And, "let's get killed" is a great album, I can see why they wanted him to
> do the soundtrack--it has a great 'remix' of the James Bond theme, and some
> hilarous dialog in between the tracks. He is also rumored to have slugged
> on of the Black Crowes.
> erik g

  ___        ___
 / _ \      / _ \        Michael C. Grover
| (_) |_  _| (_) |       Software Engineer
 > _ <\ \/ /> _ <        email: mickey@8x8.com
| (_) |>  <| (_) |       phone: 01628 402806

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