Moonlight (
Sun, 09 May 1999 14:53:06 -0500
>The other problem with CD's that nobody admits is - CD's are made
>of aluminum. If you scratch through the coating on the bottom side
>- air will get into the cd. The problem is that aluminum will react
>with the air. It takes time, but CD's will be completely destroyed
>after 7-8 years.
I think a lot of CDs used to have this problem, especially a bunch of CDs
by coil, it's known as CD-Rot. I think the whole problem has now been
avoided by better manufacturing practices. And if you've scratched through
to the aluminum, you've got a deep cut.
>I have Vinyl older than me, and the stuff still plays perfectly.
One problem with vinyl that nobody mentions is that it's highly flammable.
Q-tip (of a tribe called quest) recently had his entire collection
destroyed by a fire. CDs won't burn that quickly and powerfully.
Adam Roesch /
Augsburg College / Minneapolis / MN / USA
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