Moonlight (
Sun, 09 May 1999 15:02:43 -0500
>Don't worry folks, there's already a CD vs MD/MP3 debate going on
somewhere :)
>Besides, we all agree that cassettes suck, right?
I really like cassettes, and i've gone and bought cassette copies of all my
favorite albums (when they're available). There's no skipping, no
expensive equipment to play them. Walkmans come cheap ($10-15), while
Discmans come much more expensive ($60+). I also have a handheld cassette
recorder that i like to use to manipulate tape. I'd really like to see
what i could do by hooking it up to loudspeakers and "scratching" tape over
a different beat.
And you can find used tapes for very cheap.
And i'm getting in the habit of picking up a lot of promo tapes at the
record stores and if i don't like them, i record over them for my car.
(like, oooh--i want to hear that takemura remix of UFO in the car right
now, but i don't have a car CD player).
And the forceful actions of hitting play, stop, rewind, and fast forward
sure beat hitting electric buttons on a cdplayer or just putting a needle
on a record and taking it off. And the hiss is comforting...
[no, that wasn't all sarcasm]
Adam Roesch /
Augsburg College / Minneapolis / MN / USA
Visit my Fila Brazillia/Pork Recordings fan site:
"The only disease we need in our blood is love" TRICKY
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