asolo art film festival

From: Euromusica (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 11:53:14 MET DST

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    Established in 1973, the Asolo International Festival of Art Films and Artists' biographies was, for many years, a landmark in the broad and complex field of films and tv programs on the arts, untill it closed a few years ago.


    ProgettoAsolo has taken up the legacy of this prestigious project and is now proposing a renewed edition of the festival.


    The year 2000 edition of the International Festival of Art Films and Artists' biographies, in addition to the festival's usual sections, will have a new section on videoart, an art form whose niche has also been steadily growing in museums and international exhibitions.


    During the festival, the Asolo Award "a Life for the Arts" will be assigned by an internationally renowned panel of experts to a person whose work has significantly contributed to the promotion of the arts.


    An interactive show of the more interesting web sites on the world of art-related communication will be organized to illustrate the significant changes that have taken palce in this field.




      1.. As part of ProgettoAsolo, EuroMusica announces the International Festival of Art Films and Artist's Biographies


      1.. The festival will take place in Asolo (Italy), from Thursday November 23 to Sunday November 26, 2000.


      1.. The aim of the festival, which is essentially a competition, is to critically assess, on a yearly basis, the international audiovisual production related to the arts, artist's biographies and videoart.


      1.. There are 3 (categories):
    - Art films: for audiovisuals on subjects such as painting, sculpture, architecture, music, cinema, theater, ballet as well as any other forms of art expression;

    - Artists' biographies: for historic and critical film biographies of art world personalities;

    - Videoart: for works using audiovisuals as a direct form of art.



      1.. Eligible to take part in the competition are short, medium and full-length 35 and 16 mm. films with or without a theme, with optical or magnetic soundtracks, produced within three years of the date of the festival. Videos must be standard Pal with Betacam SP format.


      1.. In order to participate in the festival, entrants must:
    - Fill out entry forms in all parts;

    - Submit at least three set pictures;

    - Submit one standard Pal VHS cassette containing the copy of the film participating in the competition;

    - Provide foreign films with Italian captions or else with English/Italian dialogues and commentaries.



      1.. Each author can participate with one film only for category.




      1.. Entries and VHS copies of the films must be sent prior to 30 September 2000, to the following address:

    Festival del Film sull'Arte,

    c/o EuroMusica

    Foresto Vecchio, 8

    31011 Asolo (TV) -- Italy


      1.. A committee of experts will examine all films submitted for the competition. Participants will be notified of the films selected for the competition within 20 days of the beginning of the festival. For such films, authors shall be requested to submit copies of the original masters which shall be returned by post at the end of the festival.


      1.. An international jury made up of five members, all of whom belong to the art and film worlds, will award winners the following prizes:

      a.. Asolo Award for the best film (£ 10.000.000 or 5706 Euros);
      b.. Asolo Award for the best art film (£ 3.000.000 or 1712 Euros)
      c.. Asolo Award for the best artist's biography (£ 3.000.000 or 1712 Euros)
      d.. Asolo Award for the best videoart work (£ 3.000.000 or 1712 Euros)

    The jury, whose verdict is final, may also recommend for consideration works of significant value which may otherwise have failed to win recognition.



      1.. Each author is liable for the content of his own works.


      1.. The festival organization, although giving assurance that copies received will be handled with the utmost care, disclaims all responsibility for any damage such copies might incur during shipping as well as during their stay in Asolo.


      1.. Personal data will be used according to the law n. 675 of 31/12/1996 and subsequent supplements and modifications.





    Titolo originale.................... ........... Anno di produzione .....

    Original title..................... ........... Year of production ......


    Traduzione letterale del titolo in italiano o inglese ..............................

    Literal translation of title in Italian or English ..............................


    Casa di produzione o produttore ...................................

    Film company or producer ....................................


    Indirizzo .............................................

    Address ..............................................

    ( ............... Fax ........ Email .....................


    Regista ...................... Indirizzo ....................

    Director ...................... Address......................

    ( ................ Fax ......... Email .......................


    Sceneggiatura .................. Fotografia .....................

    Script ..................... Photography ....................


    Musica ..................... Montaggio .....................

    Music .................... Editing ........................


    Attori .............................................

    Actors ...............................................


    Video o Durata ............ Colore o Bianco e nero o

    Running time .......... Color o Black and white o



    Film o Durata ........ Colore o Bianco e nero o 16 mm o 1:1,33 o

                                   Running time ...... Color o Black and white o 35 mm o 1:1,66 o


    Audio Ottico o Magnetico o Doppia banda o Dolby o

                                                   Optic o Magnetic o Double track o


    Lingua dei dialoghi e del commento .............. Sottotitoli in italiano si o no o

    Dialogues or commentaries ..... ................ Italian subtitles yes o no o


    Il film ha partecipato ad altri festival? Se sì specificare quali :

    Has the film been shown at other festivals? If so, please specify which one:




    Synopsis .............................................
















    Curriculum vitae e filmografia del regista

    Director's curriculum vitae and filmography


















    Il proprietario dei diritti autorizza la messa in onda di alcuni estratti del film? si o no o

    Does the rights holder grant permission for TV broadcasts of clips of the film? yes o no o


    Il sottoscritto dichiara di aver preso visione del regolamento del festival e di accettarlo integralmente.

    The undersigned also declares that he/she has read and accepted the Festival regulations.


    Data Firma del produttore o del proprietario dei diritti

    Date Signature of the producer or copyright owner


    .......... .......................


    Compilare la scheda in tutte le sue parte e aggiungere allegati ove lo spazio non fosse sufficiente.

    Please fill out form in all parts adding attachments if space provided is not sufficient.

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