My main gripe with todays sampled/DJ music is basically a lack of any *real*
musicality with regard to chord structure and melody. Yeah sure there have
been some interesting records in the D&B genre (4Hero to name but one) but
these are far and few between.
What really needs to happen is a better cross-culturisation of DJ's and jazz
musicians. I know it's going on but I don't get to hear it!
I think it's really easy for an act (established or not)to just put together
a track with a bassline some bland chords (usually 2!)and then get someone
to sing over it, and then create the tensions by just adding and taking
away these parts.... more creativity please!!
Also as an aside I'm a bit disappointed by some of the jazz compilations
being put out nowadays. Why does everything have to be dance orientated
(i.e. Between and Beyond the Blackforest) there were some cracking tracks on
albums on MPS in the 70's that weren't for dancing and were JAZZ! Please
more compilations with this in mind ;)
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