>X-Originating-IP: []
>From: "Adam Cohen" <a d a m EMAIL souljazz_cohen@hotmail.com>
>To: acid-jazz@ucsd.edu
>Subject: Re: Sound not Sound
>Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 10:08:09 PST
>>I have a Mac (oh no!) and I am having problems listening to sound bytes
>>from all those sites everyone seem to go to, and have no problems with.
>What kind of problems are you having, what kinda mac are you using
>and what are you using to listen to the sound files? I use
>RealPlayer Plus 7 and it decodes MP3 files with no problems (as well
>as .ram and .rm files, of course).. Windows Media Player works for
>files with the .asf extension. I also use QuickTime v4.0 which
>decodes MP3 files as well.
For all your MP3 needs go to http://www.raum.com/mpeg/, by far the
best player and converter is SoundApp at version 2.5 or so check
http://www.versiontracker.com, it will convert from and to most any
sound type (it has "two rocks to bang together" for Windoze WAV
files). And, the latest version of Quicktime should also decode MP3s.
>>How can I transfer these onto CD, MD or other media. I can't stand
>>listening to it on my computer.
>If you want to transfer them to CD or MD, you'll have to first
>convert the files into .WAV format or AIFF format.. I know for a
>fact that QuickTime 4.0 can convert to AIFF.. You might also want to
>look into MacAmp, which is an MP3 player for Mac, and as far as I
>know, it's shareware. Let me know if you need to get a hold of any
>of these programs and I'll see how I can help you out.
Not neccesarily supposedly the newest version of Toast can do it,
but, there are some bugs, for more money there's Jam (by the Toast
people http://www.adaptec.com/products/solutions/cdrec.html) and
WaveBurnere by Emagic (a good Geraman music software group) that
after a demo at MacWorld 2000; I was quite impressed
erik g
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