RE: URB cd

From: Niraj Agarwalla (
Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 07:56:27 MET DST

  • Next message: Niraj Agarwalla: "RE: URB cd and Van Helden"

    I use to read the English dance press(MixMag, Muzik, DJ, etc.) on a regular basis. Gave it up because it costs too
    much, and the magazines were becoming more about 'lifestyle' than the music. The US dance press is still in the
    nascent stages, in my opinion. I do read URB, Mixer, and XLR8R on a regular basis. Mixer use to be a horrible
    magazine, with a lousy layout and atrocious writing, almost like a fanzine. URB had a very nice layout and the writing
    was better, not by much, than Mixer. Also I didn't really care of the layout of XLR8R either, but the writing was
    good. And they covered decent artists as well. For more esoteric material, I read WIRE. Lot of underground hip-hop,
    avant garde, and other experimental music. A bit pretentious at times, but a good read.

    Niraj Agarwalla --

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