>Bad news aspiring home record pressers, the vinyl the Vestax cutter uses is
>a special blend that you have to buy from them. You can't buy regular vinyl
>or recycled vinyl. Anybody know how pricey the vinyl the cutter uses is? I
>seem to recall reading that it AIN'T CHEAP.
Ni doubt Vestax sees the "gap" in the market, and that means big bucks.
They are following the business success of what Philips did with their
CD-R, only able to use their own cds to record. This "software" is the
only way they can make big bucks. Usually the hardware will get cheaper
and cheaper util it gets to everyone's homes.
The music labels will shudder once they release this.
Calvin Ho (dj KidcaL)
Atomic Attack! <atomicattack.com>
Record Shop/Salon/Creative Graphic Design
3/C, Vancouver Mansion,
6 Kingston Street, Causeway Bay,
Hong Kong.
Record Shop/Design:
852-96489639 mobile 852-25619197 fax
Salon and fashion styling (appointment only):
852-9648 9629 Claudy Yuen or email aaclaudy@hotmail.com
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