RE: Calm/spiritual african nova

From: Jason Witherspoon (
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 23:13:40 CEST

  • Next message: pma: "dj's as musicians not as gimmicks"

    At 01:59 PM 4/18/01 -0700, stephanie wrote:
    >you mean like little leafy stuff actually baked into
    >the record??? I knew hemp had a lot of industrial
    >uses but...can you explain this roach thing? like
    >roaches accidentally dropped in the sleeves burning
    >flaws in the vinyl? I'm trying to envision this... =)

    Someplace along the line, while the vinyl was still, um, molten?-- this
    stuff got dropped into the vat. It showed up actually *embedded* in the
    vinyl, after it had cooled & pressed.

    At least that's my pig-ignorant take on how it got in there-- people who
    actually know how vinyl gets into record shape should probably chime in
    w/theories now--

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