RE: Recommendations: MIX CDs

From: Kennedy, Liam (
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 11:45:59 CEST

  • Next message: Eelco B.: "Russ Gabriel"

    > From: Pedro Cevallos[]
            <The Hefner remix of 4-Hero's
    > "Planetaria" is amazing! Was that ever released on 12"? In fact, where
    > can
    > I find it? I don't remember having that one on the Two Pages:
    > Reinterpretations LP.>
            Great track, and a fantastic record. The Hefner remix is track one
    on the CD.


            P.S. While I'm on, someone was asking about the sample from Wagon
    Christ: Cris Chana, and Black Eyed Peas: Joints and Jam, last month (better
    late than never). Its from the hook at the beginning of Paulinho da Costa:
    Love Till the End of Time.


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