Russ Gabriel

From: Eelco B. (
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 09:59:06 CEST

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    Hi People

    I recently bought the Trip Do Brasil EP (2?) and I just really dig the
    track by Russ Bagriel.
    I think I've seen him play in a local club in Amsterdam and his performance
    was wicked (especially the live percussionist that accompanied him!!).
    I've been asking at my local record dealer about this guy but he doesn't
    seem to have released many more of this stuff.

    Could anyone give me some more info on him and his work.
    Any other producers that create the same kind of work? The track by David
    Matthews- Sambafrique (on Glucklig..) is kind of what I am thinking of as

    Thanx in advance,


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