Re: Keepin On...'Best Kept'

From: Steve Catanzaro (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 06:01:49 CEST

  • Next message: Mark Allerton: "Re: Keepin On...'Best Kept'"

    I agree (as does Sec. Powell) that economic sanctions are a bad idea;
    however, many of the same people against sanctions would also have been
    against the US unilaterally going beyond UN resolutions by sending in ground
    troops to evict him. The fact is, the Iraqi citizen's biggest problem is not
    the USA; it's Sadaam Hussein. (Btw, despite sanctions, is it not true the US
    still buys a millions of barrels of oil from the Iraqis?)

    Further, re: Israel. Please review the terms of the peace accord that was
    agreed to by the Isrealis and shelved by the Palestinians. They're both
    morally equal, in your eyes? After watching those peace talks break down, I
    have come to the conclusion that the Palestinians have gone beyond the pale.
    I suggest you review that accord and wake up and realize that one group
    believes it cannot rest until the other one is GONE, not just from the west
    bank, but from the WORLD. This is exactly the same thing Adolf Hitler
    wanted, and how does history remember Neville Chamberlain?


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