Re: Re the web is dead

From: Erik Borälv (
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 13:40:37 CEST

  • Next message: Bob Davis: "More from the BLOODSUCKAS at Clear Channel"

    Mark Allerton wrote:
    > 10 years next year - holy crap - definitely some way needs to be
    > found to mark the occasion. Do we know the actual date when this
    > thing started?

    It all started out with a post from Gregory B. Beuthin on
    the news group "", saying he was going to set up a
    manual mailing list for something called acidjazz. This was
    Fri, 8 Oct 1993.

    I belive one can have a look at Greg on this strange site:

    About list volume, here's the size of the mail archive per year:

    1995 15MB
    1996 26MB
    1997 32MB
    1998 29MB
    1999 29MB
    2000 54MB
    2001 60MB
    2002 17MB (so far)

    Erik Borälv,

    Uppsala University
    Department of Information Technology/HCI
    Box 337, SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden.
    voice: +46(0)18 471 2828, fax: +46(0)18 471 7811

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