From: Erik Gaderlund (
Date: Thu Oct 03 2002 - 22:54:57 CEST
At 08:43 +0200 10/03/02, Erik Borälv wrote:
>Dan wrote:
>> In particular, I really enjoyed Cuki's reviews--why no more?
>The lack of some charts is caused by the new list policy (one has to
>be subscribed to the list to be able to post).
>I will make sure Cuki's playlist gets posted to our list.
Hmm, could we start another list just for these things, I find that
it tends to clog up the list, but, I would love to still have access
to these list--reviews, and the usual exposure that we get from this
list. That way, I think the digest people would also be
appreciative. Maybe even peoples set lists in a digest.
erik g
n.p. lots of Koop, the seem to be very reminiscent of UFO, but, very
cool, and the domestic (US) release comes with a DVD.
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