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Who we are and what we think of water.

The people who wrote this guide either live in Heidelberg or visit regularly. All authors have a certain ambivalent feeling about water. It's good for keeping you clean but should be avoided otherwise. Instead, we direct our attention and energy towards other kinds of liquids.
All authors have extensive experience visiting the bars and restaurants in town.

Number, positions or names of guide authors are not available due to a freak computer error.
All authors have left the teen years long time ago and this may have an impact on the content and opinions.


Out of our own experience, all vacations and visits to new places are so much more rewarding when having a local guide to show one around. With that in mind, let us (as self-appointed experts) guide you around town to some of the more interesting places.


Despite the impression one might get from the title, we're not alcoholics. Our view is that alcoholic beverages should not be used as a drug, but rather as something social, cultural, good tasting and worthy the occation.
This guide deals with how to have a good time, mostly at evenings and nights. This obviously includes having something to drink. Possibly, on the odd occasion, also to have something to eat. Please enjoy.


There are many people without whom this guide would have been impossible to write. At the same time, there are others who it would have been much easier to do without.

The Original

It wouldn't be fair to not mention this very early publication and guide to Heidelberg's finest, called the MiniPub guide.

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© TDGTH 2003. Last change: 25 Sep 2004.
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