The drinkers' guide to Heidelberg start start | about | facts | places

We aim to bring the casual visitor inside information about how to get the most out of a visit to the city of Heidelberg, in the south-west of Germany.

The information presented here is very much a matter of personal taste, but is well grounded by experience. We'll say it again: it's very much a matter of personal taste.

Heidelberg is one of the major turist sights in Europe with its castle and charming old town. The surroundings offer even more castles and old towns. All these things are pretty well documented by many guide books and web guides, as Heidelbergs und der Kurpfalz (in German only). You won't find any information about castles here, unless there is a biergarten at the castle.

Our focus and aim is to provide you with information on a ground level, and answer a few questions like: how do I order a beer in German, what is the correct behaviour in a pub, is it ok to be really drunk in town, what about public drinking, is it ok to drink before noon, what time do bars close, what places are worth visiting more than once, what places are worth to visit only once, what places are not worth a visit (even once), etc.

Heidelberg. Here's some general information about the town itself some might consider useful.

Disclaimer: alcohol is known to be bad for you - especially when consumed in large amounts. It is the cause of many accidents and diseases. This is no joke, be careful.

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© TDGTH 2003. Last change: 24 Nov 2004.
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