Acid Jazz List Compilation

Paulo Fonseca (
Sat, 04 Jan 1997 21:44:34 +0100

As usual Elson put things in perspective (even using Ross Perot-like
voice). This is the most important topic that we should concentrate on:

>Copies sold to listmemebers, and general public via webpage. Additional
>publicity to internet magazines/online publications as well as >AJ-related publications (SNC, On The One, etc) should be made as well, >why not?)
>The Comp would be independently-produced, but we hopefully could get >copies to the labels; this is our "demo" after all, and who knows what?
>Additionally, the DJs on the list would have their own vinyl copies to >play in their clubs, to generate interest and spread the noize....So >basically, the comp is exclusively for us, but it will have >opportunities to get out to the "outside world" through radio and club >play. And say it does get popular in the outside world. Won't it make a >neat article in SNC or even some Internet-related magazine to show that >us net.folks did something relatively unique (yes, I know other lists >have done similar projects, but it's not something that happens >everyday) together?

That's it. First we do a compilation with us AJ list members in mind and
then, who knows. Other important fact is that we're doing something
different that people from magazines, news-papers, radio, television,
etc, etc, would like to write/talk about. That would gives us a lot of
free publicity and could mean a giant step towards our final goal, have
our compilation (and some bands individually) recorded for a major
label. I have some good contacts in magazines, radio sations around the
world so, that quind of promotion could be my contribution.

Elson also said something that was bugging me since the beggining of
this discussion.

>So I don't think this would be a very "costly" thing in the traditional
>sense. Each entrant, of course, is responsible for recording and mixing
>their own submission, at their own cost. Each track would have its own
>producer basically, and the entire list would be the "executive >producer" and would have a great collective say in this matter.

That's it. If a band wants to be featured in the compilation must pay
for the production costs. We cannot think about raising $15,000. If we
could, most of the bands would have recorded some great material and
have some CD's in the market. For most of you it could be very simple
and unexpensive. I've received some great sounding demos in a tape
format so I don't think it's gonna be that difficult to get a final
version of a particular song.

>We'll see what happens. Hopefully, when Gen compiles the 1997 Acid >Jazz List Poll a year from now, the overwhelming vote for "Album of The >Year" would be our own...

I second that emotion. Let's move forward. Who's gonna be our project

Paulo Fonseca