
Jon Logan (jon@criticalpath.net)
Tue, 21 Apr 1998 11:36:32 -0700

Executive Suite, by the Wiseguys, on Wall of Sound, is one of the best
downtempo/hip hop albums I have ever heard. practially every track is
great, including the vocal tracks. overall, it is a fun, uptempo but
mellow album. I love it.

all of my friends are clamoring to get a copy, but I can't seem to find it
in the USA. one of my friends found a copy in London, but that's awfully
far away.

has anyone found this album online? I've checked at cdnow, modern music,
ear/rational, and cductive.

we need more Wall of Sound!


p.s. did the propellerheads defect from Wall of Sound to another label?

Jonathan Logan Work: 415 543-2800
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